Welcome to Temple Beth Or
Temple Beth Or (House of Light in Hebrew) is a Conservative congregation. We revere Jewish tradition in a modern, egalitarian way. As the spiritual center of our Jewish community, our aim is to create a Jewish environment that is warm and caring, meaningful and enriching. We are affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
Temple Beth Or holds Shabbat services on Friday evenings and on Shabbat mornings, as well as Holiday services. Minyan is held weekday evenings, Monday – Thursday and Saturday night after Shabbat. Prayer services and other programs are held either online or in-person with online access. The students of our Kadima and USY youth groups are combined with the youth groups of Congregation B’nai Israel in Toms River and together they have many social, educational, cultural and religious events.
We offer a Jewish education for children including Bar/Bat Mitzvah training. Our Hebrew High School program is in combination with that of Congregation B’nai Israel. No child is turned away from receiving a religious education. For adults, there is an active Adult Education program with both morning and evening classes. We also have film festivals, guest lecturers, Shabbat Lunch, Learn sessions, and other programs on a variety of subjects. Our congregants volunteer for numerous community service projects.
Experience and participate in the various lectures and programs offered throughout the year by our Adult Education group. Come join in our commitment to life-long learning.
Our youth groups participate in a variety of activities such as making hamantaschen for Purim or picking apples for Rosh Hashanah while fostering their Jewish identity in an informal social atmosphere.
Whether celebrating a simcha or honoring a departed loved one we share these moments as a community to continue our spiritual commitment to the past while moving forward into the future together.
Service Times
Services – Shabbat services (July 26-27) on Zoom Only.
Friday, 7:15 PM;
Saturday, 9:30 AM (beginning with Shocheyn Ad, Preliminary Services on your own) and 9:15 PM with Havdalah;
*Monday-Thursday, February 10- March 1, 5:00 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
7:15 PM
Shabbat Morning
9:30 AM
*Weekday Minyan (Mincha/Ma’ariv) on Zoom only
Monday – Thursday @ 5:00 PM
Note: To confirm the location of this week’s Shabbat service, call the TBO Office (732-458-4700) by Friday at 12:30 PM in case there is a change.
Biblical Readings
Shabbat (Friday night-Saturday, July 26-27) – Portion of the week: Pinchas (Triennial Cycle – Numbers/Bemidbar 26:52-28:15) – One thing we learn is that with every leader there comes a time to choose a successor. Haftarah (Jeremiah 1:1-2:3) is the first of the three Haftarot of Rebuke leading up to Tishah B’Av with the prophet warning the people yet holding out hope for a renewed relationship with God.
Candle Lighting – Friday at 8:01 PM, Shabbat ends at 9:00 PM
Fast of Tammuz (July 23) – Torah Portion (morning and afternoon): special for a fast day (Exodus 32:11-14, 34:1-10) – One thing we learn is that there is an opportunity for repentance and improving our behavior and fast days encourage us to do that. Haftarah (afternoon): special for a fast day (Isaiah 55:6-56:8) is the message of the prophet to the people to repent and return to God and to proper behavior to gain a pardon for past misdeeds.
A time of sadness leading up to Tisha B’Av (the Memorial Day for the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, twice – in 586 BCE by the Babylonians and in 70 CE by the Romans) – The Three Weeks begin with the Fast of the 17th Day of Tammuz (this year on Tuesday, July 23), continue through the final Nine Days which begin with the Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) of Av (this year on Sunday night-Monday, August 4-5) and lead up to and include the Fast of Tishah B’Av on the 9th Day of Av (this year on Monday night-Tuesday, August 12-13).
A time of comfort and rebuilding follows Tishah B’Av – The Seven Weeks from Tishah B’Av to Rosh Hashanah (New Year, this year beginning on Wednesday night, October 2).
Please contact the Temple Beth Or office for further information @ 732-458-4700.
Save the Date!
We are sorry to announce we no longer hold BINGO.
Adult Education: Thursdays @ 5:00-6:30 PM – Hebrew Reading: Modern, Prayer and Biblical – online sessions for those who know the Hebrew letters and vowels – Practice reading and learn some Hebrew words with a modern Israeli newsletter and a prayer from the siddur and discuss the meanings with Rabbi Rubin. Each session is independent. Use the same Zoom access as for TBO Services.
Sisterhood Meetings:
Summer Break; see you in September
Men’s Club Meetings:
Summer Break; see you in September
Temple Beth Or Board Meetings:
July 24, 2024
August 21, 2024
September 18, 2024
We continue our prayers for the situation in Israel. May those who are still captive as hostages be released soon and safely. May those who are wounded have a complete recovery. May the memories of those who died be forever a blessing. May all have peace.
Donate to help Israelis at this time of crisis through the special Israel Emergency Campaign coordinated by the Jewish Federation of Ocean County.
Visit www.jewishoceancounty.org or mail a check to JFOC (in the memo line put: Israel Emergency Campaign), 1235A Route 70, Lakewood, NJ 08701. Questions? Call the JFOC Office at 732-363-0530.
Sponsor a Shabbat Oneg, Kiddish Luncheon, or Private Event
All bookings must be made through Temple Beth Or/Sisterhood Catering Chairperson:
Rachel Zycband at 732-581-4809
CONTACT TEMPLE BETH OR office @ 732-458-4700 or email to templebethorbrick@gmail.com.
Office hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
TBO Office closed the following dates: